We’re going back to Perth! To live! Yay!
Most people are not aware of just what a… challenge… this last 2½ years have been for me and I still feel no need to dwell on that. It’s enough for now that I’m going home.
I am looking around the house, Frogmore, with a kind of detachment. It is choc-a-bloc with packing boxes and littered with rubbish to take to the tip. I’m contemplating what to do with all the yummy goodness in the fridge and freezer that I’ve prepared with so much love — and time. (My bone broth! My ferments! My sauces! Sob.)
I’m listening to the birds, and I look outside to see them flitting about. It’s an amazing, beautiful, sunny day today and the property is at its best.

Taking in the view from the balcony during our last few days at Frogmore.
I’m remembering a time when we intended to stay here for the foreseeable future, and the plans we had for renovations and landscaping and furnishings. It seems so far in the distant past! I remember looking out on the beautiful view and getting a buzz from the sheer privilege of living amongst it. It was a time of hope, but I can only look back and see the journey I’ve undertaken unfold, like a story in a book, and marvel that it happened to me.
Well, back to packing — this time next week we’ll be home.
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